I don't proofread my posts before I publish them... cause I keep my thoughts au naturale.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Have You Heard of Qlubb?

If you haven't heard of Qlubb, I recommend directing your browser to their site lickety split! The address is www.qlubb.com.

Qlubb is a new group/social networking sites that allows people to establish individual and group profiles. "Qlubb is a free, easy-to-use online group site. With online rsvp, sign-up sheets, custom URL, file/photo sharing, auto reminders and much more, Qlubb is the easiest way to organize and manage your group's events, activities and members. It's perfect for school classrooms, scout troops, sports teams, book clubs, hobbyists, religious groups, families, etc!"

I checked it out myself and created a profile (hamsterkitten, of course). I don't really belong do any established groups, so I signed up as being in the family group. I can get the rest of my family to join and we can share photos, plan get togethers, post birthdays, etc. It sounds pretty neat!

If I belonged to a book club for example, we could post meeting times for our group, pictures/synopsis of the books we are reading and the group members. Think facebook with a purpose. I see this thing taking off, so I suggest you become one of the first so that when someone tells YOU about it, you can be cocky and give them that look like, "tell me something I didn't know about 5 years ago!"


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