I don't proofread my posts before I publish them... cause I keep my thoughts au naturale.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Interesting Forward of the Day

I thought this was really cute (forwarded from my friend Jackie, a soon-to-be mom.)

"To those who still have Moms: you are very fortunate.
To those whose Moms are gone, remember they live forever in your heart.


Real Mothers don't eat quiche;
They don't have time to make it.

Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils
Are probably in the sandbox.

Real Mothers often have sticky floors,
Filthy ovens and happy kids.

Real Mothers know that dried play dough
Doesn't come out of carpets.

Real Mothers don't want to know what
The vacuum just sucked up.

Real Mothers sometimes ask 'Why me?'
And get their answer when a little
Voice says, 'Because I love you best.'

Real Mothers know that a child's growth
Is not measured by height or years or grade...
It is marked by the progression of Mommy to Mom to Mother..."

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