I don't proofread my posts before I publish them... cause I keep my thoughts au naturale.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Moms (and parents in general) tend to have a language of their own when it comes to raising kids. Inspired by ParentsConnect, here are five "momfinitions" that I believe pertain to the highs and lows that are involved in the wonderful world of parenting!

Goopies [goo-pees]noun: the icky little green things that show up in the corner of your eyes. Hold still, you have eye goopies.

Cranktastic [krank-ta-stik] adjective:
the way my daughter gets when she hasn't had a nap and starts to cry or get irritable for no reason whatsoever. Your cranktastic attitude is telling me that it's gonna be an early bedtime tonight!

Pooplosion [poo-plo-shun] noun:
when your child's poop fills up the diaper and their back... and their clothes... and the floor... Time to start another load of laundry, we've just had a pooplosion!

pacitastrophe [pass-e-tas-tro-fee] noun: The panicky moment of horror when your infant/toddler is screaming and you realize there is no pacifier in the diaperbag or the vicinity. Usually occurs in public places or in the car. I'm sorry, I have to excuse myself and drive to the nearest WalMart because we are having a major pacitastrophe!

Law of Two [la- uv- too] noun:
The law in life that says if you have two children that they can't be good at the same time. One always has to be crying, mad or throwing a fit of some sort. Those rare moments when they are both being good are when you break out the camera in order to show people that your kids just defied nature! (on the phone) Oh, she's crying because her brother is not- it's the law of two!

I would love to hear your reaction to my momfinitions! Do you know what I'm talking about? Do you have any momfinitions of your own? If you found mine interesting, you should definitely check out the ones at ParentsConnect!


  1. Excellent new vocab lesson for the mom of 4! Love the pooplosion!!

  2. Cute definitions!! My kids are older but they brought back many memories!!

  3. Cranktastic! I love that term, and know it so well. LOL

  4. Oww too cute. But I'm still never having ANY kids if I can help it. Your children are gorgeous :)bless

  5. SassMaster :When your daughter throws a fit so large you can't explain it other than to give her a title.
    Puke-a-Poo: When one or both kids is pooping and vomitting at the same time.
    Pee-Rot: The smell that comes from your childs diaper area after not having a bath for two days.

    This could be a book Cara. Once again you rock my socks

  6. Very cute! I love the Pooplosion the best!

  7. You guys rock! Thanks so much for the comments. My daughter is having a cranktastic moment as we speak because her pajamas were dirty and she wants to wear them... is it bedtime yet?

  8. I think that "cranktastic" is going to be part of my every-day vocabulary...but it will probably be used at the office :)

  9. That was HILARIOUS! I hope you do another blog with more momfinitions.

  10. Barfomajestic - Something so disgusting, it's awesome
    The Crankmeister - Related to cranktastic, but more regal
    The Clingmeister - A crankmeister crossed with a possom

  11. Mr. Boss-man: when your middle child thinks that he rules the roost, including the toys, t.v., and when and where he should sleep and eat.

    neck cheese: that stuff that, no matter how much you clean under there, somehow finds it's way under your baby's chin after eating a meal.

    By the way, I loved all your definitions, especially cranktastic!

  12. Too cute! Cranktastic is definitely being added to my mama vocabulary!

  13. These bring back some woeful memories!

  14. I found this link through Twitter- too cute! I can totally empathize with the "cranktastic" phase of the evening. Well done!

  15. pooplosion.. awesome! don't you have those a lot, too?

  16. LOL It should be noted that Mammas who have had little to no sleep can also be cranktastic... Great post! LOL

  17. You are so clever! Hilarious vocab lesson. Every mom can relate. We still have cranktastic moments with the 5 and 7 year old. Good news...it never goes away!

  18. Very funny. What mom hasn't had a poosplosion? Keep up the funny!

  19. Funny! Having two 7 (?) month old puppies I need to post some pupfinitions...Janet

  20. I may not be your best source...but istn't pooplosion what happens with Parvo and explosive diahrea? Janet

  21. These cracked me up! My kids are much older, but I remember these days (not always fondly.) And the pacifier thing- SO TRUE!

  22. Those are awesome!
